Relapse Program – BASMI FIP Malaysia | Official Website ©️
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Basmi FIP™ Relapse Program

A relapse occurs in approximately 3% of cats that have undergone Basmi FIP™ treatment program. For cat owners who may be concerned about future relapse, we have formulated a clear Relapse Policy to inform you what to do step by step.

1. For cats that completed 84 days of treatment using only Basmi FIP™ injections or oral capsules.

For cats that completed the full 84 days treatment using exclusively our treatment products, we offer 50% discount on relapse treatment if a relapse occurs within 12 months of completing the initial full treatment.  To claim our relapse treatment discount, please provide:

  1. your cat's treatment starting date, ending date,

  2. final blood test results upon finishing the our FIP treatment program.  

This information helps us to create a relapse treatment program that ranges from 2 weeks in mild cases to 12 weeks in severe cases.

We do not offer discount for cats who exited our treatment program without first completing a full blood test to assess whether the key parameters have returned to normal range. 

2. For cats that didn't complete 84 days of treatment, but used exclusively Basmi FIP™ TREATMENTS.

Many cats fully recover from FIP infections before 84 days.  In these cases, we respect you and your veterinarian's decision to end the treatment program early.  We offer 50% discount on relapse treatments for cats that experience a relapse within 6 months of exiting the treatment program and have exclusively used only Basmi FIP™ products.  

To qualify for this program, please provide

  1. Completed a blood report showing full health upon exiting the program.

  2. Did not perform invasive surgeries such as neutering or castration and vaccination within 84 days of exiting our FIP treatment program. 

3. For cats that exited treatment before 84 days and didn't complete a full blood test.

Contact our treatment experts via chat box or email to discuss treatment options that may range from a continuation of previous treatment or to start a new treatment with adjusted dosage that is appropriate for your cat's condition. Relapse treatment may last between 2 weeks to 12 weeks depending on the severity of the lapse symptoms.

We do not offer discount for cats who exited our treatment program without first completing a full blood test to assess whether the key parameters have returned to normal range. 

4. For cats that mix Basmi FIP™ TREATMENT with other brand's treatment.

We do not recommend mixing brands. Each brand has its own concentrations and protocols for treating FIP infections.  We can not predict treatment results when mixing different brands of products throughout the treatment process.  If your cat used treatment products from different brands during his/her treatment, and experienced a relapse, contact us to discuss how to bring FIP infection back under control as quickly as possible using an adjusted dosage regiment.  Relapse treatment may last between 2 weeks to 12 weeks depending on the severity of the lapse symptoms. We do not offer discount for this category of cats. 

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