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Effective Liver Solution - For Cats and Dogs below 10kg

RM 99.00
Effective Liver Solution - For Cats and Dogs below 10kg Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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LiverRx™ promotes regeneration of healthy liver cells by increasing the levels of glutathione, an important compound for healthy liver, formed when SAMe (S-Adenosylmethionine) is metabolised. With absorbable Vitamins C & E, LiverRx further reduces oxidation and prevents premature liver cell death.

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients:

S-Adenosyl methionine
 (SAMe)  90 mg
     9 mg
Vitamin E 
   13 mg
Vitamin C  10 mg

SAMe or S-adenosyl-methionine is used by the body to carry out essential functions including: brain, 
heart, hormone, antioxidant, detoxifying, and other metabolic functions. 
It is a proven active chemical compound that treats liver diseases in dogs and cats.
Silybin supports the flow of bile through the liver, increase digestive functions and absorption of nutrients from your pet’s diet
Vitamin E  is an effective antioxidant that reduces free radical damanges to fatty liver cells.
Vitamin C is a naturally soluable ascorbic acid that also prevent oxidation of liver cells. to prevent the formation.

Direction for use: 

  • Provide tablet(s) one hour before meal time for optimal absorption. Tablets to be administered whole.  Moisture, heat and stomach acid degrade APIs.
  • Provide 1 Tablet daily for weighing less than 5 kg.
  • Provide 2 Tablets daily for weighing between 5 to 10 kg.

Medical References:

  1. Center SA, Warner K, Hoffman WE, et al. Am J Vet Res 2005;66:330-341.
  2. Center SA, Randolph JF, Warner K, et al. J Vet Intern Med 2005;19:303-314.


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